After several long months of fighting colds/flu and cruddy weather, lack of motivation from having to collimate my scope once more finally got the better of me. A quick and dirty process of some quick and dirty data on a night with a half moon high in the sky. Shot from the Dallas-area suburb of Allen under clear, cold and less than 50% humid skies. Envisage kept crapping out on me so I fired up PHD Guiding which of course worked perfectly. Once more hats off to Craig Stark for volunteering his time and effort to make our lives easier in providing an excellent autoguiding package free of charge. Check his software out and support him if you haven’t already.
- Meade LXD75 – SN6
- Canon 300D (unmodified)
- StarBlast 4.5″ Newt + Meade DSI on guide duty